I have used Datatable and Dataset interchangeably. A Dataset has an
overhead perfomance hit when its loaded with a lot of Data. Now let me
be more clearer, a Dataset can Contain a lot of Datatable :- A Dataset
is like a Container for Datatables because every dataset has a
datatable contained inside it and a Datatable is like a table you have
in SQL and a Dataset its like a Database that contain table(Datatable).
DataSet and DataTable are the key components in ADO.NET programming. This mean that DataTable represents an in memory representation of the database. We can load a single Table from the database into a DataTable and manipulate the data in memory. DataTable can be used as a DataSource and used it if we are going to fetch data in a single database table only. While DataSet on the other hand can define DataRelations - which define the relationship between DataTables, much like a foreign key relationship can be set up between tables in a database. DataSets, themselves DOES NOT Contain any Data. DataSets contain DataTables (which is where any data actually resides),DataRelations, etc, but no data.
DataSet and DataTable are the key components in ADO.NET programming. This mean that DataTable represents an in memory representation of the database. We can load a single Table from the database into a DataTable and manipulate the data in memory. DataTable can be used as a DataSource and used it if we are going to fetch data in a single database table only. While DataSet on the other hand can define DataRelations - which define the relationship between DataTables, much like a foreign key relationship can be set up between tables in a database. DataSets, themselves DOES NOT Contain any Data. DataSets contain DataTables (which is where any data actually resides),DataRelations, etc, but no data.
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