Sunday, 4 March 2012

Main difference between dataset and datatable in

I have used Datatable and Dataset interchangeably. A Dataset has an overhead perfomance hit when its loaded with a lot of Data. Now let me be more clearer, a Dataset can Contain a lot of Datatable :- A Dataset is like a Container for Datatables because every dataset has a datatable contained inside it and a Datatable is like a table you have in SQL and a Dataset its like a Database that contain table(Datatable).

DataSet and DataTable are the key components in ADO.NET programming. This mean that DataTable represents an in memory representation of the database. We can load a single Table from the database into a DataTable and manipulate the data in memory. DataTable can be used as a DataSource and used it if we are going to fetch data in a single database table only. While DataSet on the other hand can define DataRelations - which define the relationship between DataTables, much like a foreign key relationship can be set up between tables in a database. DataSets, themselves DOES NOT Contain any Data. DataSets contain DataTables (which is where any data actually resides),DataRelations, etc, but no data.

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